Counting Messages Checking For Unread Mail Using MAPI Using MAPI+ Microsoft's Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) is a set of high level DLL functions that are the foundation of electronic mail in Windows. Applications use these functions to create, manipulate, transfer, and store messages. The scripts and examples in this book demonstrate how to access MAPI from ToolBook, but are not intended to teach you MAPI. It is assumed that you are familiar with and have documentation for MAPI. The handlers which directly access the MAPI functions are all found in the script of this book.s which applications used to create, manipulate, transfer, and store messages. Most of these functions are exported from MAPI.DLL and form the basis for electronic mail in Windows. The scripts and examples in this book demonstrate how to access MAPI from ToolBook, but are not intended to teach MAPI to the user. In fact. it is assumed that user is familiar with and has documentation for MAPI. The handlers which directly access the MAPI functions are all found in the book script. Sending Messages Sending Messages Sending Messages5 The example below illustrates how to send a message without using the MAPI dialog box. Fill in the fields below and click the button when you are ready to send the message..the message. Send Message .'+ +F .'+ +F }str_sent getAddress sendMessage s_MAPIError str_notSent buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIError there no recipient supplied -- call up 6 Address Book getAddress() -- we don't address we won't a message -- fill appropriate sendMessage( "sub", "body") -- confirm whether was sent str_notSent()&& str_sent() &Send Message Bob N. We're almost there now. Don't blow it! Subject: Text: Submit Reports Receive Reports Receive Reports View New uupdateMessages buttonClick buttonClick -- scan incoming mail problem reports setup the -- ( message handled updateMessages &View New delete [4deleteMessage uupdateMessages str_OK s_MsgHandles s_MsgNum s_MAPIError Rstr_notDelete buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MsgNum,s_MsgHandles,s_MAPIError -- delete the current message deleteMessage( <> str_OK() str_notDelete()&& -- refresh [ list -- ( handled updateMessages D&elete Previous 8parseMsgText s_MsgNum buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MsgNum mail message disable G = 1 enabled B"Next" = -- fill ~fields -- ( handled parseMsgText &Previous Previous 8parseMsgText s_MsgCount s_MsgNum buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MsgNum,s_MsgCount tmessage , disable enabled B"Previous" = -- fill fields -- ( handled parseMsgText &Next Submit Reports Submit Reports buttonClick buttonClick "Submit Reports" &Submit Reports examples buttonClick buttonClick the example Fclose isOpen "examples" &Done toLabel From:ss: problem Department address msgnum No messagesf 10 toLabel Department: office phone toLabel Problem Area: toLabel Phone:::::::: toLabel Office: Area: toLabel Description of problem: description toLabel Sent:ss: timestamp Example: Problem Reports *ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* Viewer *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve Field RecordField ComboBox Button PaintObject Picture Hotword *RHOTWORD* Group Stage *TbxBase* functions MAPIFindNext( , 0, 0, -- Verifying Names -- a notify handler was used the address you enter Verifying Names Verifying Names Click Check Names to get the full names of those displayed in the upper field and place them in the lower field. If a name is ambiguous, MAPI displays a dialog box that allows the user to choose the correct name.opriate... field. If a name is ambiguous, MAPI will display a dialog allowing the user to choose which name is appropriate. Check Names 1, #> checkNames partial s_MAPIError str_notResolved buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIError a list verified names checkNames( "partial") error condition "full" = -- some hcould xbe resolved: -- the value -- those that -- -- ,were str_notResolved()& &Check Names partial Tom,Dick,Harry enterPage notifybefore = "Tom,Dick,Harry" Tom,Dick,Harryelda enterPage notifybefore enterPage examples Linking to MAPI.DLL Sending Messages Checking For Unread Mail -- notify handlers were used [the fields -- you enter Checking For Unread Mail Checking For Unread Mail The script of this button steps through the messages in your incoming mail folder, looking for unread messages. The sender and subject of each unread message are placed in the fields below.. fields. Check for Unread Mail eck for Unread Mail Messages text area textScrolled buttonUp the fields together -- There are three order these -- smoothly, filled fdummy which has -- same other . Only b. When scrolled, 2two -- If there were only bar would textScrolled oselectedtextlines = scrollbar enterPage notifybefore Subject enterPage notifybefore enterPage notifybefore From: Subject: enterPage &Check for Unread Mail functions functions linkdll "mapi.dll" DWORD MAPILogoff (DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD) DWORD MAPILogon (DWORD, STRING, STRING, DWORD, DWORD, POINTER) DWORD MAPIFindNext (DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, POINTER, DWORD, DWORD, \ POINTER) DWORD MAPIFreeBuffer (POINTER) DWORD MAPISendMail (DWORD, DWORD, POINTER, DWORD, DWORD) DWORD MAPIReadMail (DWORD, DWORD, STRING, DWORD, DWORD, POINTER) DWORD MAPIResolveName (DWORD, DWORD, STRING, DWORD, DWORD, \ POINTER) DWORD MAPISendDocuments (DWORD, STRING, STRING, STRING, DWORD) DWORD MAPIAddress (DWORD, DWORD, STRING, DWORD, STRING, DWORD, \ DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, POINTER, POINTER) DWORD MAPIDeleteMail (DWORD,DWORD,STRING,DWORD,DWORD) end linkDLL,STRING,DWORD,DWORD) end linkDLL buttonClick buttonClick isOpen "link" close functions buttonClick Bcopies clipboard buttonClick -- place "functions" -- take B"ok" &Copy to Clipboard &File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Aut&hor F3 author &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &Menu Alt+Up first &Help &Contents F1 contents g: fs2/vo Linking to MAPI.DLL Linking to MAPI.DLL The functions for handling messages in Windows are exported from MAPI.DLL. Click View DLL Functions to see the way these functions are prototyped in OpenScript.ped in OpenScript. buttonClick buttonClick display a which -- linking information &View DLL Functions Composing Mail Composing Mail Composing Mail Click Compose Message to open the MAPI dialog box you use to compose and send a message. Click Attach a File if you want to attach a file to the message you buttons bring up the MAPI dialog box allowing you to compose and send a message. The second button attaches a file to the message that you compose. Compose Message s_MAPIError ucomposeMessage buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIError -- compose a message composeMessage() returned - error condition k <> &Compose Message Attach a File filename ZsendFile s_MAPIerror buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIerror -- compose a message attached file sendFile( "filename") returned - b condition s_MAPIError <> &Attach a File filename enterPage notifyBefore C:\JX\MAPI\MAPI.TBKKKKKKKBK enterPage Composing Mail Looking up Addresses Verifying Names Counting Messages Counting Messages Counting Messages Click the appropriate button below to count the messages in your incoming mail stepping through them one at a folder by stepping through them one at a time. This first counts all messages, and the seconds counts only unread messages. Count All Messages .'+ +F .'+ +F FALSE str_msgCountAll l'getNextMsgID 1RgetFirstMsgID buttonClick buttonClick ZLONG count the ID message (read unread) getFirstMsgID(FALSE) found -- getNextMsgID( str_msgCountAll( Count &All Messages Count Unread Messages .'+ +F .'+ +F l'getNextMsgID Dstr_msgCountUnread 1RgetFirstMsgID buttonClick buttonClick ZLONG count the ID message (read unread) getFirstMsgID(TRUE) found -- getNextMsgID( str_msgCountUnread( Count &Unread Messages message str_of Problem Report str_problemRep Aborting operation: Me Arial Arial Arial Arial Sans Serif Arial Arial MS Sans Serif ge id 23 examples Page "Submit Reports" MAPI Tutorial Page "functions" examples Submit Reports department Salestingnt Development Executive Finance Marketing Sales Technical Support Testings problem Hardware Problemtion E-Mail Hardware Installation Hardware Problem Network Other Phones Printers Software Installation Software Problem office phone x3434 description My machine won't boot right. The disk keeps running and running but nothing happens. Change Address nameList getAddress buttonClick buttonClick -- call up the Addressbook dialog a list names nameList = getAddress() namelist &Change Address Receive Reports Receive Reports buttonClick buttonClick "Receive Reports" ceive Reports examples buttonClick buttonClick the example Fclose isOpen "examples" &Done Jim Geldmacher str_problemRep enterPage subject standard reports notifybefore = str_problemRep() Problem Report toLabel Address: toLabel Subject: toLabel Department: toLabel Problem Area: toLabel Phone:::::::: toLabel Office: Area: toLabel Description of problem: Submit Report Office: Department: phone description problem Problem Report Phone: Description: Problem: sendMessage nstr_notSubmit s_MAPIError office department str_submit buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIError ZmsgTxt -- build the message ' = "Problem Report" D = "Department:" combobox "department" 3problem" = "Office:" "office" = "Phone:" "phone" = "Description:" "description" sendMessage( "sub", str_notSubmit()&& str_submit() bmit Report enterPage &Submit Report &Receive Reports ~HVHVH 1993,1994. Asymetrix Corporation. All Rights Reserved. -- Author: Jim Geldmacher Mgives you permission e, revise, reuse the -- individual scripts your own -- applications. You may H entire -- substantial part redistribution ` product. retains copyright on original elements . Include notice -- "Portions 1993, 1994. they contain copied -- Standard ToolBook messages enterApplication xsysRuntime -- link DLLs initLinks MAPI available isMAPIAvailable() SessionLogon() str_noMAPI() leaveApplication 4s_SessionHandle logged ' <> SessionLogoff() unlinkMAPI -- unlinkDLLs related functions -- Notes: -- Functions that are exported z have four their other y used Udefined %OpenScript " -- handlers. -- The basic need access examples -- here. -- There two structures store recipients Recipient Structure -- Offset Type Element -- 0 DWORD Must be 0 -- 4 JClass -- 8 POINTER Pointer Name -- 12 Address -- 16 \Size Entry ID bytes -- 20 buffer. Classes -- 0 = originator -- 1 = primary -- 2 = ropy -- 3 = blind Message -- 0 -- 4 Subject -- 8 ?Text -- 12 . NULL mail. -- 16 Date. Format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM -- 20 Thread ID. Ignored Hsome systems. -- 24 Mail Flags -- 28 Sender's -- 32 Number -- 36 array -- 40 file attachments -- 44 descriptors returns TRUE FALSE otherwise. IsMAPIAvailable -- According spec, should a non-zero " ;" entry Y [MAIL] section WIN.INI determine support does z, just a ma_GetWinIniVar(" -- sessionLogOn() attempts -- If the successful, "OK" returned. Otherwise, s_MAPIError SessionLogOn ZlphSession, retVal getWinPointer(4) MAPILogon( ,"","",1,0, -- extract = PointerDWORD(0, = str_OK() -- what error occured = getMAPIErrorString( -- free freeWinPointer ( -- sessionLogOff() [off current -- If "OK" SessionLogOff MAPILogoff( ,0,0) -- discard -- = GetMAPIErrorString( -- getting IDs -- getFirstMsgID() appropriate type newMail only considers unread -- folder considered. logical ,s_MAPIerror ZlpMsgSeedID,lpMsgID mailFlag xisType( ,s_sessionHandle) str_lostMAPI() -- assign buffers flag = 32 MAPIFindNext( , 0, 0, -- there value msgID = = getMAPIerrorString( -- -- getNextMsgID() _ lastID, = 32 , 0, 0, -- -- -- reading -- getMsgName() reads specified sender. If ZlpPtrMsg, ZlpSender,lpName ZmsgName -- allocate a recieve a ("envelope") -- 0x00C0 = MAPI_ENVELOPE_ONLY + MAPI_PEEK MAPIReadMail( -- -- 0(28, -- -- MAPIFreeBuffer( allocated memory -- getMsgSub() subject . If ZlpSubject ZmsgSub -- 0 -- -- -- -- -- getMsgDate() was received. If ZlpDate ZtmpDate,tmpTime ZmsgDate -- 0 -- -- 0(16, -- -- -- reformat default "y/mm/dd" "h24: -- getMsgText() . If ZlpText ZmsgTxt (ignore -- 0x0180 = + MAPI_SUPPRESS_ATTACH msgText = -- -- -- -- addresses -- getAddress() calls up dialog box. If no -- occurs list W chosen ZlpPtrNum ZlpPtrRec,lpRec recNum recOffset ZrecNames -- display MAPIAddress( ,0,"",1,"",0,0,1,0, -- retrieve -- -- through = (i-1)* 24 ) = 2 -- frre names -- checkNames() takes a partial 1. If > could be -- resolved full mailing consists containing those ZSTACK goodNames,badNames Xeach -- -- 0x0409 = MAPI_LOGON_UI + MAPI_DIALOG + MAPI_AB_NOMODIFY MAPIResolveName( -- pcannot be -- -- lpRecip = -- -- valid -- -- sending -- composeMessage() displays coposing D . If "OK" 4s_Sessionhandle, blank -- 0x0009 = MAPISendMail(0,0, -- sendFile() opens mesage -- attached !. Null -- "OK" l fileName MAPISendDocuments(0, ";", p, shortFileName( ), 0) -- sendMessage() sends a "OK" a recipent -- ambiguous user will be prompted clarify recips, ZlpBuff,lpTmp Zstack recipStack numRec ZLONG count -- find out many "so enough -- can be -- a *! which -- a -- a -- a -- a -- create a -- fill -- -- -- 0 UI + a%,0, -- -- -- contents -- optimization: Windows much faster -- than stepping ma_hmemcpy( -- z counter -- keep track cleanup later were -- strings -- ,(32, 0(36, -- ,1,0) x! = -- -- pointers }'stored %a 2- order -- necessary grab -- deleting -- deleteMessage() removes $ "OK MAPIDEleteMail( ,0,0) -- Utility 1#code associated D# nErrorNumber When "Operation Succeded" --SUCCESS_SUCCESS "User Aborted" --MAPI_USER_ABORT kFailed" --MAPI_E_FAILURE "Login 0 --MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE "Disk Full" --MAPI_E_DISK_FULL "Insufficient Memory" --MAPI_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY "Block Too Small" --MAPI_E_BLK_TOO_SMALL 5Many Sessions" --MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS ?Files" --MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES yRecipients" --MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS "Attacment Not Found" --MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND "Failure Opening Attachment" -- LOPEN_FAILURE ?Writing |WRITE_FAILURE "Unknown +" --MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT "Bad ," --MAPI_E_BAD_RECIPTYPE "No Messages" --MAPI_E_NO_MESSAGES "Invalid ;" --MAPI_E_INVALID_MESSAGE Large" --MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE M/" --MAPI_E_INVALID_SESSION Supported" --MAPI_E_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED "Ambiguous -" --MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT g(:"&& ;+a filename /has been stripped path information fName harCnt, i charCnt = - 1) Vi+1 )) allocates a block global * nSize ZhMem,ptr ma_globalAlloc(66, %) -- 66 Movable, Zero-Init str_noMem() ma_globalLock( )() frees )lpPointer ma_Globalhandle( bitAnd 0x0000FFFF +selector. ma_GlobalUnLock( retValue = ma_GlobalFree( 2() establishes a 2DLL -- a p' indicating found. sysS = provide messaging X"mapi.dll" 1, STRING, I1, \ <2 MAPIDeleteMail ( .links kernel $ managment INT ma_globalUnlock= %=globalFree( H3 ma_globalHandle= tbkwin k5 "tb40win. ma_getWinIniVar= 5 disconnects str_noUnread str_msgCountAll str_msgCountUnread !6"&& J7 I."&&\ e6Microsoft 7-compatible e- 3 client software installed"&&\ 7 correctly." I."&&\ F,"&&\ 9wish str_notResolved "These str_sent str_notSent str_notSubmit "Report xsubmitted:" str_submit str_notDelete xdeleted:" str_noMessages str_error str_update "Update str_cancel "Cancel" str_message str_of str_problemRep "Problem "Aborting operation: Allocation buttonClick ZnameText,subText,scrollText ZLONG msgNum the ID unread message getFirstMsgID(TRUE) -- repeat Zno more messages are found -- optimization: faster aincremental Fplace , than Qdirectly . In list generated one Fplaced fields complete. -- extract sender = getMsgName( -- subject = getMsgSub( -- places dummy (only -- shows on th -- technique allows you -- much smoothly -- getNextMsgID( str_noUnread() -- "Subject" = "ScrollBar" = -- update the status updateMessages 4LONG s_MsgCount,s_MsgNum -- initialize flist messages initMessageList str_problemRep() there )least one z > 0 -- invalid reset = 0 -- parse current parseMsgText -- browsing buttons enabled " = FALSE " = TRUE t" = t" = B"delete" = -- are no fields "msgnum" = str_noMessages() "address" "department" "office" "phone" "description" "timestamp" -- t" = -- generate a than contain filter their subjects 4s_MsgHandles 4s_MAPIerror ZlastID ZmsgSub getFirstMsgID( more -- = getMsgSub( -- -- getNextMsgID( -- take fill appropriate 4s_MAPIError ZmsgTxt ender getCurrentMsgName() k&str_update() fstr_OK() str_cancel() = getCurrentMsgText() &&str_of()&& = getCurrentMsgDate() returns getMsgName( getMsgText( getMsgDate( initLinks 3SessionLogon isMAPIAvailable str_noMAPI enterApplication unlinkDLLs s_SessionHandle USessionLogoff unlinkMAPI leaveApplication reader FALSE ma_GetWinIniVar clinkMAPI IsMAPIAvailable freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer MAPILogon s_SessionHandle str_OK DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIError SessionLogOn s_SessionHandle str_OK MAPILogoff DGetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIError SessionLogOff .'+ +F $bgetWinPointer msgID s_SessionHandle MAPIFindNext d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIerrorString s_MAPIerror getFirstMsgID .'+ +F $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle lpMsgSeedID MAPIFindNext d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIerrorString s_MAPIerror lpMsgID getNextMsgID .'+ +F freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle 8aMAPIFreeBuffer d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIerror MAPIReadMail getMsgName .'+ +F freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle 8aMAPIFreeBuffer d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIerror MAPIReadMail getMsgSub .'+ +F freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle 8aMAPIFreeBuffer y/mm/dd d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIerror h24:min MAPIReadMail getMsgDate .'+ +F freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle 8aMAPIFreeBuffer d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIerror msgText MAPIReadMail getMsgText .'+ +F ,&H.& freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle recName 8aMAPIFreeBuffer MAPIAddress d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIError getAddress .'+ +F ,&H.& freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_SessionHandle 8aMAPIFreeBuffer MAPIResolveName d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIerrorString s_MAPIError checkNames .'+ +F freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer s_Sessionhandle str_OK d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIError MAPISendMail composeMessage .'+ +F s_Sessionhandle MAPISendDocuments str_OK HshortFileName d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIErrorString s_MAPIError sendFile .'+ +F freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer ma_hmemcpy s_Sessionhandle str_OK 8aMAPIFreeBuffer MAPISendMail MAPIResolveName d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIerrorString s_MAPIError recipient sendMessage .'+ +F [MAPIDEleteMail s_SessionHandle str_OK d3str_lostMAPI DgetMAPIerrorString s_MAPIError deleteMessage .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " .', " Too Many Sessions Too Many Files Invalid Message Block Too Small Too Many Recipients Failure Opening Attachment Invalid Session Attacment Not Found Failure Writing Attachment Bad Recipient Type Type Not Supported Insufficient Memory No Messages Disk Full Login Failed Operation Succeded Text is Too Large Unknown Recipient User Aborted Operation Failed Unknown error: Ambiguous Recipient getMAPIErrorString shortFileName &ma_globalLock str_noMem Kma_globalAlloc getWinPointer retValue !pma_Globalhandle Memory error occured. Operation Aborted. ma_GlobalUnLock } ma_GlobalFree freeWinPointer mapi.dll MAPILogoff MAPILogon MAPIFindNext MAPIFreeBuffer MAPISendMail MAPIReadMail ,CUy er.' MAPIResolveName ,CU_Glo.' MAPISendDocuments MAPIAddress MAPIDeleteMail linkMAPI getWinIniVar ma_getWinIniVar globalAlloc ma_globalAlloc globalLock ma_globalLock ,$U= globalUnlock ma_globalUnlock ,$T?Hpg-# globalFree ma_globalFree globalHandle ma_globalHandle ,#U_= hmemcpy ma_hmemcpy tb40win.dll kernel initLinks mapi.dll unlinkMAPI tb40win.dll kernel unlinkDLLs You have no unread messages. str_noUnread You have messages. str_msgCountAll unread messages. You have str_msgCountUnread MAPI is not available at this time. You need to have Microsoft Mail or MAPI-compatible e-mail client software installed for the examples in this book to function correctly. str_noMAPI The examples in this book will not function correctly, MAPI is not available at this time. you may wish to exit. str_lostMAPI str_OK These names could not be resolved: str_notResolved Message sent. str_sent Message not sent: str_notSent Report not submitted: str_notSubmit Report submitted. str_submit Message not deleted: str_notDelete No messages str_noMessages Error: str_error Update Messages? str_update Cancel str_cancel Message str_message str_of Problem Report str_problemRep Aborting operation: Memory Allocation Error. str_noMem .'+ +F .&, 7 .'+ +F (str_noUnread l'getNextMsgID ScrollBar getMsgSub 1RgetFirstMsgID Subject getMsgName buttonClick uupdateMessages enterPage +&,"" +&,"> +&,"" .'+&? problem s_MsgNum phone address description str_noMessages previous delete 8parseMsgText initMessageList msgnum office department timestamp str_problemRep s_MsgCount updateMessages .'+ +F .'+&? +&,"Y +&,I3 .'+ +F FALSE l'getNextMsgID getMsgSub s_MsgHandles 1RgetFirstMsgID s_MsgCount initMessageList w, #> +&, #? w, #? +&, #? address s_MAPIError phone str_cancel description 'getCurrentMsgText str_message getCurrentMsgDate problem uupdateMessages str_OK getCurrentMsgName msgnum str_update str_of s_MsgNum Error: office department timestamp s_MsgCount parseMsgText +&,I3 s_MsgNum s_MsgHandles getMsgName getCurrentMsgName +&,I3 getMsgText s_MsgNum s_MsgHandles getCurrentMsgText +&,I3 s_MsgNum s_MsgHandles getMsgDate getCurrentMsgDate str_submit str_notDele examples in,true ThreeDeeRect text area bottomLine topLine description description enterpage doesn't fit, notifybefore "description" Front front enterpage handler keeps the title synchronized notifybefore "front" buttonClick enterPage buttonClick -- determine navigation should be allowed notifybefore on a different oenabled = ( Previous buttonClick enterPage .one buttonClick -- determine navigation should be allowed notifybefore on a different oenabled = ( main menu buttonClick main menu enterPage the main buttonClick -- determine Bnavigation Ienu should be allowed: notifybefore ycurrent oenabled = ( in,true ThreeDeeRect work area bottomLine topLine enterPage main menu -- a notify handler was used update you enter Main Menu Main Menu buttonClick ,&H.& front enterpage buttonClick ZLONG lineNum -- determine which Uwas selected * = selectedTextlines that -- update the list notifybefore ZSTRING newText -- generate a -- optimization: faster aincremental place , than -- directly B(i-1) J"front" Using MAPI Linking to MAPI.DLL Looking up Addresses Verifying Names Checking For Unread Mail Counting Messages Composing Mail Sending Messages Example: Problem Reports Choose one of these topics:low by clicking on its name: enterpage Example: Problem Reports Example: Problem Reports Example: Problem Reports+ The following two examples demonstrate how a small MAPI application, such as a custom e-mail form, might be built in ToolBook. The first example is a guided input form for submitting problem reports. The user simply fills in the blanks and clicks on a button to submit the report. The second example scans the user's incoming mail folder for problem reports submitted using the e-mail form. This provides a simple interface for browsing through these messages................................... Submit Reports examples Submit Reports buttonClick buttonClick -- display a example "examples" currentpage "Submit Reports" &Submit Reports Receive Reports Receive Reports examples buttonClick buttonClick -- display a example "examples" currentpage "Receive Reports" &Receive Reports main menu right grey all grey left grey right Looking up Addresses -- a notify handler was used the address you enter Looking up Addressesok] Looking up Addressesokkess Book Click Look Up Address to display the dialog box MAPI provides for choosing addresses. Names you select from the list will be placed in the field below........................... Look Up Address nameList getAddress s_MAPIError buttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIError up the Address Book dialog retrieve a list names nameList = getAddress() returned - error condition &Look Up Address enterPage notifybefore enterPage .'+ +F }str_sent getAddress sendMessage s_MAPIError str_notSe uttonClick buttonClick 4s_MAPIError there no recipient supplied -- call up 6 Address Book getAddress() -- we don't address we won't a message -- fill appropriate